Patient Details - Patient

You can use the Patient Details - Patient tab to view or update a patient's details:

To access the Patient Details - Patient screen, either:

  • From the Find Patient screen, find the patient and then select Details or press Alt + D on your keyboard.

  • From the Dispensary screen, select either:

    • Information next to the patient's name:

    • F3 on your keyboard, this opens the Patient Details screen on the Other tab.

    • Or, F6 on your keyboard, this opens the Patient Details screen on the Medication tab.

Navigate to the Patient tab.

From here you can view or update the following:

  • Patient number - You can search for a patient using their patient number, simply enter P and the patient number (no spaces) into the Patient search.

  • Services status (Scotland only) - Highlights whether a patient is registered for Scottish services such as Medicines: Care & Review (MCR):

    • Red Cross, indicates the patient is not registered.

    • Amber exclamation mark, indicates pending registration.

    • Green tick, indicates registered.

  • Title - Select this patient's title from the list.

  • First name - Enter or update this patient's first name.

  • Other name(s) - Enter or update this patient's other names.

  • Last name - Enter or update this patient's last name.

  • Ethnicity - Select this patient's ethnicity from the list.

  • Address - Enter or update this patient's address. Select PR26 to search the address database, see Adding Addresses for details.

  • Handout - Select the handout method for this patient, either In store collection, Delivery or Robot Collection.

  • Location - Enter or update any addition location information, for example 'Top Floor'.

  • Postcode - Enter or update this patient's postcode.

  • Fax - Enter or update this patient's fax contact number.

  • Home phone - Enter or update this patient's home contact number.

  • Mobile - Enter or update this patient's mobile number.

  • Work phone - Enter or update this patient's work contact number.

  • Main contact - Select which contact is this patient's main contact, select from Unknown, Home, Work or Mobile.

  • E-Mail - Enter or update this patient's email address.

  • Nursing Home - If this patient lives in a nursing home the home displays here, select Details to view the Monitored Dosage System screen for the nursing home.

  • MDSC Patient - If this patient is a community patient the details display here, select Details to view the Monitored Dosage System screen for this patient.

  • Sex - Select the sex of this patient, select from Male, Female or Unknown.

  • DoB - Enter or update this patient's date of birth.

  • Age - Automatically completes based on this patient's date of birth.

  • Group - Automatically completes based on this patient's date of birth. To update, select from Child, Adult, Elderly or Unknown.

  • NHS No - Enter or update this patient's NHS number.

  • Nominations (England only) - Select to launch the Patient Nomination Wizard.

  • CHI No - Enter or update this patient's CHI number.

  • NI No - Enter or update this patient's NI number.

  • Temporary patient - Select Temporary patient if this patient does not live in your area and is unlikely to return.

  • Patient is exempt - Select to mark that this patient is exemption from prescription charges. See Patient Details - Exemptions for details.

  • No fixed abode - Select if this patient does not have an address, the Address and Postcode options inactivate.

  • Always verify collection - Select to record the handout for this patient.

  • Patient is deceased - Select to set this patient as deceased.

  • App User - Select to set this patient as an application user. See Marking a patient as an App user for details.

  • MUR Leaflet - Select to print an MUR leaflet. This explains the purpose of MURs and enables this patient to complete the consent form.

  • Welcome Leaflet - Select to print a welcome leaflet for this patient. To set welcome leaflets to print automatically, see Pharmacy Details - Dispensing.

  • Registration Card - Select to print a registration card label for this patient.

    Training Tip - Registration labels can be stuck to cards and provided to patients. They can then be used as a means of identifying patients when they return to the pharmacy with subsequent prescriptions. To set registration card label to print automatically, see Pharmacy Details - Dispensing.
  • Address Label - Select or press Alt + Z on your keyboard to print an address label for this patient. If configured this label can include a barcode or a QR code.

From the bottom of the Patient Details - Patients screen you can select:

  • Intervene - To initiate an intervention, see Interventions Wizard for details.

  • Delete - To delete this patient. A Delete Patient warning displays:

    Select Yes to continue with the deletion, or No to retain this patient.

    Important - This permanently removes this patient from your system.
  • OK - To save the changes and close the Patient Details screen.

  • Cancel - To close the Patient Details screen without saving any changes.

  • Apply - To save any changes made but leave the form on your screen. You can then select Close to close the Patient Details screen when you are ready.

For information on other Patient Details tabs, see Patient Details.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.